Stitched Up for Starship

How can you help?
We have spoken to Starship who have mentioned that they are in need of blankets/jumpers/beanies etc for the teens. This is where we can jump in and assist those in need, especially as we approach winter
Check your stash
Check to see what you have left over from any old projects (please make sure it is machine washable yarn)
Choose your project
Decide if you are going to knit squares for a blanket, a beanie or jumper or hand warmers (only if you are looking for a more meaty project)
Pick your style/pattern
Squares need to be approx 20cm on all sides (please don't stress if they aren't, so long as it is as close as can be we will find a blanket for every square)
Beanies will need to be big enough to fit a teen (13 - 19 years)
Please feel free to use any appropriate pattern. If you need some inspiration please let us know:
Send it
Mail your items to: 21 Sorrel Crescent, Bucklands Beach, 2012 Att: Candice Cassel
We will collect the squares and sew them into a blanket, which will be sent to Starship once completed. Please may we ask that you include a little note we can pass on to the kids and your details, so that we can send you a picture of the finished product. For more info or if you have any questions contact Diane 021030491 or Candice 02108249450
Thank you in advance